Holistic Anatomy

Creative integrative quantum medicine is based on the principles of quantum physics. It is a science that is sometimes difficult to grasp at its core and deeply puzzling for many of us who are used to looking at the human body as being mechanistic. Moreover, there is some good reason to embrace Newtonian thinking when applied to medicine – we all know that many drugs offer a quick fix for alleviating symptoms of the physical body. We are glad to be able to take an Aspirin and make it through a busy afternoon with important meetings without a headache. However, the headache was there for a reason and had a cause. To treat the physical body like a broken machine is not the healthiest approach to listening to life. The human system is more complex than just physical structures with no correlation to feelings, thought patterns, and the realm of the higher self.

Embarrassment is a complex emotional state triggered by our thought patterns and deeply held beliefs. When we experience this emotion, it permeates our entire being, causing a cascade of physical reactions throughout our body. Our sympathetic nervous system springs into action as embarrassment takes hold, initiating rapid physiological changes. Our pupils dilate, allowing more light to enter and heightening our visual awareness. Simultaneously, our heart rate increases, pumping blood more quickly through our system. Our breathing becomes more rapid and shallow, preparing our body for potential action. In response to this sudden arousal, the tiny muscles attached to our hair follicles contract, causing our hair to stand up, commonly known as “goosebumps.” Additionally, our sweat glands activate, producing perspiration that can be particularly noticeable in areas like our palms, forehead, and underarms. Perhaps most significantly, our adrenal glands release adrenaline and noradrenaline hormones into our bloodstream. These powerful chemicals further amplify our body’s response, sharpening our senses and preparing us to face the perceived social threat that triggered our embarrassment in the first place.

Sometimes, these physical reactions can be caused simply by thinking of an embarrassing situation from the past.

This is just a simple downward causation, nonlocal, and entangled example of how the different bodies of human consciousness, in this case, the mental, vital, and physical bodies, are connected.

The holistic anatomy of creative integrative quantum medicine integrates the human biofield, where the body’s physical structure is embedded. Biofield science was established within the medical system in the early 1990s and is explained as forces that permeate and surround all living organisms. Moving from our biochemical neuroscience to a field-oriented approach is promising. Applying quantum theory to the concept of the biofield has led to several proposals of the body-mind as a macroscopic quantum system. The biofield is not just an abstract hypothesis to explain, for example, embryogenesis. Still, it is a measurable entity used in modern allopathic medicine regularly.

All information that is measured in an Electrocardiogram (ECG), which is the detector of electrical waveforms generated by the synchronous activity of the heart muscle cells, and in an Electroencephalogram (EEG), which is the detector of waveforms reflecting summative spontaneous or evoked electrical activity of neuronal arrays, is part of the human biofield. The heart’s magnetic field can even be measured and recorded up to several feet of the body via a magnetocardiogram.

Rupert Sheldrake proposes the concept of morphogenetic fields and morphic resonance to explain biological systems’ development, organization, and memory. The field shapes and organizes behavior through vibratory patterns or resonance. Within the field, the organism can regenerate after injury, and activities of the nervous system and mental processes are generated. Dr. Paul Drouin goes a step deeper into the anatomy of the biofield.

The vital body is a fundamental component of the human biofield, serving as the cornerstone of its subtle structure and playing a crucial role in the concept of vital energy. This energetic layer is intimately connected to the physical body as a reservoir for our emotions and an organ blueprint. Traditional medicine systems such as Ayurveda, Acupuncture, and Homeopathy focus on balancing the vital body to promote overall health and well-being. The breath nourishes the vital body, drawing its essence from prana or life force. Various spiritual and healing traditions have recognized this energetic layer, referring to it by different names, such as the pranic or etheric body. The vital body comprises acupuncture meridians, manifesting as colorful waves of varying vibrational densities. One of the most fascinating aspects of the vital body is its dynamic nature. The shimmering subtle energy that constitutes this layer constantly shifts in color and vibration, reflecting an individual’s mental and emotional states. This responsiveness to our inner experiences highlights the intricate connection between our energetic and physical selves. From a scientific perspective, the vital body can be understood as a bio-informational network of optical channels enveloping the physical body. Through these channels, light particles known as biophotons circulate at various frequencies. The vital body’s biophotonic activity and quantum coherence are directly linked to an individual’s health. When this coherence is disrupted or lost, it manifests disease in the physical body. Essentially, the vital body bridges our physical form and the more subtle aspects of our being, crucial in maintaining our overall health and vitality. Understanding and working with this energetic layer unlocks new healing and personal growth avenues.

The concept of the mental body introduces a deeper layer of understanding in the realm of human consciousness and energy. This subtle aspect of our being operates at a higher vibrational frequency than the vital body, serving as the origin point for our thoughts and beliefs. The mental body is a crucial intermediary between our conscious mind and the more elevated states of consciousness, such as the supramental and bliss body. The influence of the mental body on our overall well-being is profound and far-reaching. Thoughts and beliefs generated within this realm permeate the vital body, triggering emotional responses and physical reactions. This cascade effect demonstrates the intricate connection between our mental state and our physical and emotional experiences. The quality and balance of the mental body directly impact the flow of subtle energy throughout our entire being, shaping our overall health and vitality. When the mental body is in a state of imbalance or incoherence, it can lead to disturbances in the vital body’s energy flow. These disruptions manifest as physical ailments or diseases if left unaddressed. This understanding highlights the importance of maintaining a harmonious and well-balanced mental body for overall health and well-being. Various practices have been developed and refined to achieve and maintain this balance over time. Meditation, for instance, is a powerful tool for calming the mind and aligning the mental body with higher states of consciousness.

Conscious efforts to repattern thoughts and beliefs lead to a more coherent and harmonious mental state, positively influencing all aspects of one’s being. By recognizing the mental body’s significance and working to harmonize it, individuals can take a proactive approach to their overall health and spiritual growth. This holistic perspective on well-being emphasizes the interconnectedness of our thoughts, emotions, and physical experiences, offering a comprehensive framework for personal development and healing.

The supramental body is a profound and complex concept that encompasses the realm of intellect and archetypes. It represents a layer of human experience that transcends the personal, ushering individuals into a heightened consciousness characterized by a deep sense of interconnectedness, maturity, and wholeness. Within this ethereal compartment reside universal qualities and the foundations of transpersonal psychology, offering a bridge between the individual psyche and the collective unconscious. This elevated plane of existence contains archetypical information matrices that positively influence and recalibrate energy and information distortions manifesting as physical symptoms in the body. By accessing the supramental body, individuals initiate a transformative journey from ego-centric consciousness to a more expansive state of being, often called the Self mode of consciousness. In this context, the ego represents the operational mode grounded in conditioned patterns, memories, and a pervasive sense of separateness that collectively form the ego personality.

In contrast, the Self mode signifies a transcendent state of awareness where one experiences the quantum self – a pure consciousness unencumbered by conditioning filters or the illusion of separateness. This shift from ego to Self allows for a more authentic and harmonious existence, aligning the individual with universal truths and fostering a deeper understanding of one’s place in the cosmic tapestry.

The bliss body is the layer that taps into limitlessness and transcendence. Dr. Drouin describes the bliss body as the layer of happiness or bliss. “This body is the basis of all the other bodies or layers and is related to deeply spiritual experiences of enlightenment where time, space, and individuality no longer exist. It is the finest and most subtle layer that interpenetrates all others in a nonlocal and holographic way. The bliss body can be understood as the unified field of pure consciousness, dwelling within each individual.”

This layer of information can be reached in deep meditation by connecting to the quantum field. As the downward causation principle states, the higher layer always affects the lower one. Feelings manifest physical reactions, thoughts create feelings, and archetypes shape beliefs and thinking patterns. A transpersonal vision gives purpose, and a transcendental experience, like entering the unified quantum field, balances all human systems.

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